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ISE 2022 Retail Showcase

ISE 2022 Retail Showcase è uno spazio dove gli utenti finali possono sperimentare le tecnologie digitali dedicate al retail.

ISE Retail Showcase è promosso da Econocom, in collaborazione con 99sensors. Si svolgerà Lungo la Digital Signage Avenue, padiglione 6. Accompagnerà i visitatori nelle più innovative experience legate ai negozi.

Incentrato sull’usabilità e sugli scenari del mondo reale, questo stand di 160 m2 ricrea una serie di ambienti di vendita al dettaglio per evidenziare al meglio il valore delle tecnologie di nuova generazione.

Dai mock-up per i negozi di abbigliamento a quelli per l’alimentare, in mostra le migliori proposte di digital signage, sensori e dispositivi di analisi.

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ISE 2022 Retail Showcase

Explore the latest high tech digital tools to engage shoppers and drive sales at the ISE Retail Showcase.

BARCELONA, 4 APRIL 2022: Running alongside the Digital Signage Avenue in Hall 6, the ISE Retail Showcase, sponsored by Econocom (Hall 6, Booth 6A200) will take visitors on a journey through the ultimate frictionless retail experience. Focused on usability and real-world scenarios, this 160m2 booth recreates a series of retail environments to best highlight latest technologies. Mock-ups of fashion and grocery stores will feature best-in-class digital signage solutions, sensors and retail analytics devices in this hands-on show feature.

The ISE Retail Showcase has been curated by Florian Rotberg, managing director of leading digital signage consultancy, invidis, and chair of the Digital Signage Summit who explains: “The demand for cutting edge digital solutions in retail is as strong as ever. Working with some really great partners, Econocom in partnership with 99Sensors and with support of dozens of solution providers, we have created the ISE Retail Showcase to demonstrate how today’s AV technology delivers real benefits and showcase real-world settings.”

The ISE Retail Showcase demonstrates technology side by side in a vendor agnostic showcase.  It is tailored for end-users to explore what technologies, touchpoint concepts and data is best suited for retail applications and is set out in four distinct areas: a retail store, supermarket, hybrid office and control centre setting.

Within these four areas, visitors will be able to explore:

•    Sensors enhancing the retail experience
•    Automatic supermarket checkout
•    People counter / audience measurement
•    Anti-Covid Solutions
•    Comparing and explaining sensor technologies
•    Controlling digital signage installations by sensors
•    Dashboards
•    Analytics Technologies:
•    People counter comparison
•    Sensor Playground

Brands showcased include Samsung, LG and Philips, the first kiosk/totem control device, Kiosk IQ, sensor technologies from  Nexmosphere, M5stack, Xovis, 99sensors and others. 

The Retail Showcase is running in Hall 6 on each day of the show. It has been developed by ISE, invidis Consulting, Econocom and 99sensors.

The Digital Signage Avenue makes its debut in Hall 6 at ISE 2022. This multi-application show floor feature will bring together and present a selection of the world’s leading digital signage and DooH technologies. It will be an ideal opportunity to experience the state-of-the art digital signage in action.

Make sure you are following ISE on twitterLinkedIn and Facebook and use the hashtag #ISE2022 for up-to-the-minute news, event highlights and exciting announcements. 

Integrated Systems Europe, ISE 2022, will take place at the Fira de Barcelona Gran Vía on 10-13 May 2022.
The ISE Conference programme runs from Monday 9 May through to Thursday 12 May. For more information, please visit

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